Hi, I’m Alamelu. I’m a dog mom who loves training for and competing in different dog sports. My passion for dogs goes beyond just training and competing with them, though. I’m also fascinated by animal behavior and love to get into the details of the science of learning (and teaching).
Positive reinforcement-based training is at the heart of everything I do with my dogs. I’ve found that this approach is not only effective but also kind and humane, and it has helped me build strong bonds with my animals. I’m passionate about teaching people these science-based methods to train their dogs. I volunteer my time to help run and teach at a local non-profit dog training club, where we believe that every dog is unique (and wonderful), and that training should be tailored to their individual needs and personalities.
I’m also a trained engineer with a PhD in Computer Engineering. My love for dogs and my expertise in technology and engineering have led me down a wonderful path of exploration and discovery. I’m excited to see where this journey takes me and to continue to help people learn kind, compassionate, and science-based methods to do more with their dogs.